How can I make it possible to pass database Instance to the MyFirebaseMessagingService
class which extends FirebaseMessagingService
so that I can save data
payload locally?
Note: I already setup dagger 2 in my app, it's working perfectly.
Below is MyFirebaseMessagingService
class MyFirebaseMessagingService @Inject constructor(exampleOneDao: ExampleOneDao?) : FirebaseMessagingService() {
override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage?) {
//need db instance to store data payload locally (Room)
And below is the AppModule
class of Dagger 2
@Module(includes = arrayOf(ViewModelModule::class))
class AppModule() {
internal fun provideDatabase(application: Application): MyDatabase {
return Room.databaseBuilder(application,, "MyDatabase.db")
internal fun provideExampleOneDao(database: MyDatabase): ExampleOneDao {
return database.exampleOneDao()
internal fun provideMyFirebaseMessagingService(exampleOneDao:
ExampleOneDao): MyFirebaseMessagingService {
return MyFirebaseMessagingService(exampleOneDao)
Is it possible to provide database and dao to MyFirebaseMessagingService
I tried above method to provide exampleOneDao
to the MyFirebaseMessagingService
class, but it throws the following Exception
MyFirebaseMessagingService: java.lang.InstantiationException: java.lang.Class<> has no zero argument constructor
Thank You.
Finally got the solution from this link:
As MyFirebaseMessagingService
is a Service
class, so for injection in Service
class, Dagger provides a way through which we can inject dependencies into Service class. Below are the steps to enable injection in service class:
1) Make Application implements HasServiceInjector and inject a DispatchingAndroidInjector for services.
public class App extends Application implements HasActivityInjector, HasServiceInjector {
DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> dispatchingActivityInjector;
// Add this line
DispatchingAndroidInjector<Service> dispatchingServiceInjector;
public void onCreate() {
public AndroidInjector<Activity> activityInjector() {
return dispatchingActivityInjector;
// override this method after implementing HasServiceInjector
public AndroidInjector<Service> serviceInjector() {
return dispatchingServiceInjector;
2) Create a new module to perform injection over your services.
abstract class ServiceBuilderModule {
// for my case, the service class which needs injection is MyFirebaseMessagingService
abstract MyFirebaseMessagingService contributeMyFirebaseMessagingService();
3) Register your new module in your application's component.
@Component(modules = {
// Need to define previously created module class here
public interface AppComponent {
interface Builder {
Builder application(App application);
AppComponent build();
void inject(App app);
4) And finally, override method onCreate of the service adding AndroidInjection.inject(this).
public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
//So now we are able to inject here same as we do in Activity. No need for constructor injection
@Inject ExampleOneDao exampleOneDao
// Override this method first
public void onCreate() {
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// use your dao here to store remoteMessage data payload into your database, e.g