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Getting ids for the hasMany relationship from Laravel 5.6 Form to the Controller

I am trying to get the ids for the four answers for a single question from a Laravel Edit form.

Here is my form view blade code:

@php $i=0; @endphp
    @foreach($question->answers as $answer)
    @php $i++; @endphp
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-lg-8">
        {!!Form::label('Answeroption'.$i, 'Answeroption'.$i)!!}
        {!! Form::text('answeropt'.$i,$answer->answeropt, ['class'=>'form-control', 'id' => $answer->id]) !!}

I want to get this 'id'=> $answer->id in the QuestionController, Edit method. This piece of code is in the question edit form with 4 answer options. Each answer is stored in answer table with different its id linked to the main question id. I want to get this answerid,so that I can store the edited answers.

I tried to do getIdAttribute but it is not working.

Here is the screenshot of how my screen looks. Each option has an entry in answer table with question_id linked to it as HasMany relationship.

Screenshot of the Edit Question Form

enter image description here


  • You would be better off using an array in your markup. Then you will have the ids to reference upon post. So this might look something like:

    {!! Form::text('answeropt['. $answer->id . ']',$answer->answeropt, ['class'=>'form-control', 'id' => $answer->id]) !!}

    Then in your controller, you can loop over the array and utilize the id. So that might look something like:

    foreach($request->get('answeropt', []) as $answerId => $answer) {
        // do things with the answer id and the answer text

    I think this is what you are after? Please let me know if this is clear, or if you meant something else.