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Efficiently storing and getting likes in FireStore / Document DB

I have a page with posts and likes for each post.

In FireStore a collection of posts and a collection of likes, and I update the total_likes and recent likes array when a user likes or unlikes a post with cloud functions.

However, I can't figure out how to show for each post if the currently logged in user liked it or not. What's an efficient way to do that for.

Any pointers?


  • I believe you might need to look at data aggregration. Even though this example is with Angular, I also use the same principle in a different application:

    Alternatively, you could store the post_id's that your user likes in their own 'like_array'. Knowing which posts the user currently sees, you can cross reference the shown post_id's with the (single object) 'like_array' from the user to determine if he/she has liked a particular post. In the long run, you could disambiguate like_arrays based on days or weeks, and only query the like_arrays of this and last day/week - based on what post you are showing. If you are working with categories of posts, similar applies: different like_arrays for different categories.

    Hope this helps!