I've been at this for a while now and cannot seem to figure out how to get the Eto.Forms TreeGridView Control to properly render. I'm trying to just add a few GridViewItem's at the moment and I just get a small gray bar at the top:
Here is my code:
List<ITreeGridItem> treeGridItems = new List<ITreeGridItem>();
foreach (var contentType in contentTypes)
treeGridItems.Add(new TreeGridItem(contentType.Name));
Content = new DocumentPage(new TreeGridView
DataStore = new TreeGridItemCollection(treeGridItems)
}, new Padding(20));
I'm not even really sure where to start, I just want to get a tree with text to show for each node at the moment and I can't even do that.
After a bit of trial and error I figured out how to use the tree view:
var treeGridView = new TreeGridView
BackgroundColor = Colors.White
treeGridView.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
HeaderText = "Content Type",
DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0)
treeGridView.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
HeaderText = "Create",
DataCell = new CustomCell
CreateCell = r =>
TreeGridItem item = r.Item as TreeGridItem;
ContentTypeTag tag = (ContentTypeTag)item.Tag;
var contentType = _siteManager.CurrentSite.ContentTypes.First(x => x.Name.Equals(tag.ClassName));
void Click(object btnSender, EventArgs btnArgs)
//Your Event
var button = new LinkButton
Style = "primary-link-btn",
Text = $"Create {contentType.Name.ToSentenceCase()}",
Command = new Command(Click)
return button;
treeGridView.Columns.Add(new GridColumn
HeaderText = "Show All",
DataCell = new CustomCell
CreateCell = r =>
TreeGridItem item = r.Item as TreeGridItem;
ContentTypeTag tag = (ContentTypeTag)item.Tag;
var contentType = _siteManager.CurrentSite.ContentTypes.First(x => x.Name.Equals(tag.ClassName));
void Click(object btnSender, EventArgs btnArgs)
//Your Event
var button = new LinkButton
Style = "primary-link-btn",
Text = $"Show All {contentType.Name.ToSentenceCase()}",
Command = new Command(Click)
return button;
var treeGridItemCollection = new TreeGridItemCollection();
foreach (var contentType in _siteManager.CurrentSite.ContentTypes)
var item = new TreeGridItem
Values = new string[] { contentType.Name.ToSentenceCase(), "Create", "Show All" },
Tag = new ContentTypeTag
ClassName = contentType.Name
treeGridView.DataStore = treeGridItemCollection;
You create the header columns to start and then create a TreeGridItemCollection and set the datastore to that. The values for each column of the row is set in a string array to the Values property of the TreeGridItem.