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How to AOT compile a single clojure file using clj tool? (without deps.edn file)

Let's say I have the following file:


(ns hello.core)

(println "Hello")

Is it possible to AOT compile this file to classfiles using a clj tool without using any "project"-like setup? I've tried something like this:

$ clj -e '(compile "hello/core")'

but am getting an error about unability to locate hello/core.clj file.


  • Looks like clj's default expectation is for source files to be under src directory (from the guide):

    By default, the clj tool will look for source files in the src directory, so create the src directory and declare your program at src/hello.clj

    And for compile to work, *compile-path* (defaults to "classes") must also exist:

    $ mkdir classes
    $ tree
    ├── classes
    └── src
        └── hello
            └── core.clj
    $ test clj -e "(compile 'hello.core)"

    Then your class files should be in classes directory.