This code
let promise: Promise<Supplier> = self.supplierController
.update(supplier: supplier)
let block: ((Error) throws -> Supplier) = { (error: Error) throws -> Supplier in
let supplier: Supplier = supplier
guard (error as NSError).code == 405 else {
throw error
return supplier
let newPromise =
.done { (_: Supplier) in
gives compile time error
invalid conversion from throwing function of type '(Error) throws -> Supplier' to non-throwing function type '(Error) -> Guarantee'
Why does it try to convert? It seems to me, it has to use this func:
public func recover(on: DispatchQueue? = default, policy: PromiseKit.CatchPolicy = default, _ body: @escaping (Error) throws -> U) -> PromiseKit.Promise where U : Thenable, Self.T == U.T
from PromiseKit
I added explicit types and divided promise into blocks to not miss something
You should return Promise to chain correctly, like this :
.update(supplier: supplier)
.recover { error -> Promise<Supplier> in
let supplier: Supplier = supplier
guard (error as NSError).code == 405 else {
throw error
return .value(supplier)
.done { (_: Supplier) in