In my application i using Ant design Table my code is like below :
<Table size="small" dataSource={this.props.actionArray}>
<Column title="Name" dataIndex="id" key="name"/>
<Column title="Action" key="action"
<a href="" >Edit</a>
<span className="ant-divider"/>
<a href="" >Delete</a>
i want when user click on Edit
the entire row of table render as a <Input type="text"/>
instead of normal text , so users can edit the row data, also a custom save button when user click on it call a function(ex save() )
but i don't know how to this .
Try something like this. Save the editting record id in the state and according to that show or hide the input:
columns = [
title: 'Name',
render: (text, record) => === this.state.editingId ? (
<Input type="text"/>
) : (
title: "Action",
render: (text, record) => (
<a href="" >Edit</a>
<span className="ant-divider"/>
<a href="" >Delete</a>