While researching on how I can import table listing data using collection + HTML view to an excel file, I came across maatwebsite/excel package. I managed to import the excel by following the documentation. However, I am not familiar with the code syntax used by the author. On this link, the author defines a function view() as seen in the code below:
public function view(): View
return view('exports.invoices', [
'invoices' => Invoice::all()
I am not familiar with view(): View syntax. Can someone direct me to a proper documentation for this? And tell me how I can resolve this in Netbeans (See screenshot below)? Screenshot of Netbeans error
Please keep in mind, the code itself is working correctly and has no issues. I am able to download the excel file as per my requirements.
Using: Laravel 5.6, PHP 7.1.17, NetBeans 8.0.2, maatwebsite/excel 3.0
Any info on this is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
In PHP 7.0 and greater, we can define the return type. For example.
function sum(): int {
// function body.
And same goes for:
public function view(): View
This line says that the function view() only returns the View class object.