I need to access data from webkit applications such as Safari, Mail and maybe others. I can see in the Accessibility Inspector
there is :AXTextMarker
and AXTextMarkerForRange
I tried the usual way to get this info :
AXUIElementRef systemWideElement = AXUIElementCreateSystemWide(); //creating system wide element
AXUIElementRef focussedElement = NULL;
AXError error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(systemWideElement, kAXFocusedUIElementAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&focussedElement); //Copy the focused
if (error != kAXErrorSuccess){
NSLog(@"Could not get focused element");
AXValueRef marker = NULL;
AXError getTextValueError = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(focussedElement, kAXMarkerUIElementsAttribute , (CFTypeRef *)&marker);
is the only thing I can see with Marker but everything is empty each time.
I guess for security reasons, I cannot access them? Is there any way possible. I am developing an app for people with difficulties reading and it could really help.
Tips and tricks:
Ask focussedElement
for its supported attributes. Use the functions:
AXError AXUIElementCopyAttributeNames(AXUIElementRef element, CFArrayRef _Nullable *names);
Returns a list of all the attributes supported by the specified accessibility object.
AXError AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeNames(AXUIElementRef element, CFArrayRef _Nullable *names);
Returns a list of all the parameterized attributes supported by the specified accessibility object.
Most undocumented attributes are self explanatory.
For example get the selected text as attributed string:
CFTypeRef markerRange = NULL;
AXError error = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(focussedElement, (CFStringRef)@"AXSelectedTextMarkerRange", &markerRange);
CFTypeRef result = NULL;
error = AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeValue(focussedElement, (CFStringRef)@"AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange", markerRange, &result);