I understand that generally I cannot instantiate a protocol. But if I include an initialiser in the protocol then surely the compiler knows that when the protocol is used by a struct or class later, it will have an init which it can use? My code is as below and line:
protocol Solution {
var answer: String { get }
protocol Problem {
var pose: String { get }
protocol SolvableProblem: Problem {
func solve() -> Solution?
protocol ProblemGenerator {
func next() -> SolvableProblem
protocol Puzzle {
var problem: Problem { get }
var solution: Solution { get }
init(problem: Problem, solution: Solution)
protocol PuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle
protocol FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator: PuzzleGenerator {
var problemGenerator: ProblemGenerator { get }
extension FindBySolvePuzzleGenerator {
func next() -> Puzzle {
while true {
let problem = problemGenerator.next()
if let solution = problem.solve() {
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
The line:
return Puzzle(problem: problem, solution: solution)
gives error: Protocol type 'Puzzle' cannot be instantiated
Imagine protocols are adjectives. Movable
says you can move
it, Red
says it has color = "red"
... but they don't say what it is. You need a noun. A Red, Movable Car. You can instantiate a Car, even when low on details. You cannot instantiate a Red.