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How to tackle when one parameter depends on the other in RSTAN

I have a Stan code in which the one of the model parameters depends on another parameter. In total I have 5 parameters: mu, alpha,beta, gamma, delta. Now beta depends on alpha in a way that-

beta> 1- (alpha/1.17)

.The parameter block currently looks like:

real<lower=0> mu;
real<lower=0,upper=1.17> alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=1> gamma;
real<lower=0> delta;

How can I put the lower bound of beta inside the parameter block?

The code is :

real loglikelihood(int N,
real mu,
real alpha,
real beta,
real gamma,
real delta,
real[] t,
real[] m,
real[] rts,
real magmin,
real tmax,
real betalim){

  real tempA;
  real sumtermA;
  real a;
  real tempB;
  real final;

  for(j in 2:N){
   for(i in 1:(j-1)){
    tempA += beta*(exp(alpha*(m[i]-magmin)))*(gamma - 1) * delta^(gamma- 1) *(1 / (t[j]-t[I]+delta)^gamma);
   sumtermA += log(tempA);
  for(j in 1:N){
   tempB += beta*(exp(alpha*(m[j]-magmin)))*(1-((delta^(gamma- 1))/((tmax-t[j]+delta)^(gamma-1))));

 a= mu*tmax;
 final= sumtermA-a-tempB+sum(rts);

        int<lower=0> N;
        real<lower=0> t[N];
        real<lower=0> m[N];
        real rts[N];
        real<lower=0> tmax;
        real<lower=0> magmin;
        real<lower=0> betalim;
     real<lower=0> mu;
     real<lower=0,upper=betalim> alpha;
     real<lower=0> beta;
     real<lower=1> gamma;
     real<lower=0> delta;

          target+=    (loglikelihood(N,mu,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,t,m,rts,magmin,tmax,betalim));

   data<-   list(N=300,t=runif(300,0,1),m=runif(300,2,9),rts=runif(300,-3,3),tmax=1,magmin=2,betalim=1.17)


  • tldr;

    You can realise parameter constraints that are based on other parameters through the lower/upper bounds.

    A simple example

    Let's create a simple example by fitting a normal distribution to some random data to estimate the normal's parameters mu (mean) and sigma (stdev), as well as a transformed parameter nu = 1/sigma. We impose the constraint nu > 1 / sigma - 1.

    1. First, let's define our model. For simplicity, I'll use flat (i.e. default) priors.

      model <- "
      data {
          int N;                                       // Number of observations
          real y[N];                                   // Response
      parameters {
          real mu;                                     // Model parameters
          real<lower=1e-5> sigma;                      // Standard deviation
      transformed parameters {
          real<lower = 1 / sigma - 1, upper = positive_infinity()> nu;
          nu = 1 / sigma;
      model {
          y ~ normal(mu, sigma);

      We define and declare the transformed parameter nu in block transformed parameters. Additionally we impose the constraint nu > 1 / sigma - 1 through the lower/upper bounds <lower=1/sigma-1, upper=positive_infinity()>.

    2. Let's generate some sample data. Here we choose mu = 2 and nu = 1/sigma = 4.

      mu <- 2;
      nu <- 4;
      y <- rnorm(100, mean = mu, sd = 1/nu);
    3. Let's fit the model.

      options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
      rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
      fit <- stan(model_code = model, data = list(N = length(y), y = y));
      #Inference for Stan model: 16495e5aad9d987998077084a6630917.
      #4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1;
      #post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
      #       mean se_mean   sd  2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
      #mu     2.00    0.00 0.03  1.95  1.98  2.00  2.02  2.06  3382    1
      #sigma  0.27    0.00 0.02  0.24  0.26  0.27  0.28  0.31  3114    1
      #nu     3.72    0.00 0.26  3.21  3.54  3.71  3.89  4.25  3128    1
      #lp__  80.24    0.02 0.96 77.66 79.84 80.54 80.93 81.19  1719    1
      #Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Mon Jun 25 11:01:06 2018.
      #For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
      #and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at
      #convergence, Rhat=1).

      You can see that the estimates for mu and nu are in excellent agreement with our chosen parameter values, and that indeed nu > 1 / sigma - 1.

    Your case

    You should be able to impose the constraint beta > 1 - alpha / 1.17 by declaring beta as

    real<lower=0,upper=betalim> alpha;
    real<lower = 1 - alpha / 1.17, upper = positive_infinity()> beta;