In python, I have a dataframe with 2 columns of real numbers. I want to make complex number and use those two columns as real and imaginary parts of my new set of data. I have tried complex(df['wspd'].astype(float),df['wdir'].astype(float))
but I still get this error:
cannot convert the series to <class 'float'>
How can I make it happen?
The function complex
can handle only scalars. You can convert the second column to imaginary multiplying by 1j
, then sum:
df['wspd'] + df['wdir'] * 1j
df = pd.DataFrame({'wspd':[10.23,2.4,30.6], 'wdir':[2.3,7.8,4]})
df['com'] = df['wspd'] + df['wdir'] * 1j
print (df)
wspd wdir com
0 10.23 2.3 (10.23+2.3j)
1 2.40 7.8 (2.4+7.8j)
2 30.60 4.0 (30.6+4j)