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How to remove weekends dates from x axis in dc js chart

I have data for every date from Jan 2018 and I am creating a stacked line chart out of that data. Every weekend the count of my data is zero, so every weekend it shows a dip in my graph (as data reaches to zero). I want to avoid that dip. I have a Date column as well as a Day column. The Day column has values from 1 to 7 representing each day of week (1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday). Can I modify my x axis or graph to show only weekdays data?


var data = [
 { Type: 'T', Date: "2018-01-01", DocCount: 10, Day: 1},
 { Type: 'E', Date: "2018-01-01", DocCount: 10, Day: 1},

.margins({top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 5, left: 35})
.stack(eGroup, "E")
.valueAccessor( function(d) {
    return d.value.count;
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([minDateTime, maxDateTime]))

enter image description here


  • A time scale is always going to be very literal about how it maps dates to x coordinates. It has no notion of "skipping dates".

    Instead, I would suggest using an ordinal scale for this purpose. With an ordinal scale, you decide exactly what the input and output values will be. dc.js will also help you out by automatically determining the input (domain) values.

    Tell the chart to use an ordinal scale like this:


    Remove any empty dates like this. remove_empty_bins is from the FAQ but I modified it to look at the count element.

    function remove_empty_bins(source_group) {
        return {
            all:function () {
                return source_group.all().filter(function(d) {
                    //return Math.abs(d.value) > 0.00001; // if using floating-point numbers
                    return d.value.count !== 0; // if integers only
    var nz_tGroup = remove_empty_bins(tGroup),
        nz_eGroup = remove_empty_bins(eGroup);
    .stack(nz_eGroup, "E")

    Only question is, what if there is a weekday that happens not to have any data? Do you still want that to drop to zero? In that case I think you'd probably have to modify the filter in remove_empty_bins above.

    weekdays only

    Fork of your fiddle.