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dotnet pack "The element <package> is unrecognized"

Im trying to create a NuGet package of a dotnet new template. I created a nuspec file to set the details of the package, and it sits adjacent to my contents foler, which contains everything I want packaged up:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="">
    <!-- The identifier that must be unique within the hosting gallery -->

    <!-- The package version number that is used when resolving dependencies -->

    <!-- Authors contain text that appears directly on the gallery -->


        Owners are typically identities that allow gallery
        users to easily find other packages by the same owners.  

     <!-- License and project URLs provide links for the gallery -->

    <!-- The icon is used in Visual Studio's package manager UI -->

        If true, this value prompts the user to accept the license when
        installing the package. 

    <!-- Any details about this particular release -->
    <releaseNotes>First Release</releaseNotes>

        The description can be used in package manager UI. Note that the gallery uses information you add in the portal. 
    <description>dotnet new template for Episerver CMS</description>

    <!-- Copyright information -->
    <copyright>Copyright ©2018 Me</copyright>

    <!-- Tags appear in the gallery and can be used for tag searches -->
    <tags>web episerver cms</tags>

    <!-- Dependencies are automatically installed when the package is installed -->

        <packageType name="Template" />

<!-- A readme.txt to display when the package is installed -->
    <file src="" target="" />
    <file src="**" exclude=".vs\*,packages\*,**\*.mdf,**\*.ldf,**\*.log"></file>

But when I run dotnet pack I get the error:

error MSB4068: The element <package> is unrecognized, or not supported in this context.

Which I really dont get. Isnt package supposed to be the root element in a .nuspec file?


  • dotnet pack doesn't support packing nuspec files. It only supports msbuild projects that contain a Pack target.

    You can create a csproj project and use the NuspecFile property or use nuget pack through a nuget.exe version from or through a nuget executable provided by the mono framework on non-windows platforms.