I have a git local branch that tracked the remote svn trunk.
I created a new development branch and set the local branch to track it.
I want that the development branch will also track the svn/trunk something like:
local branch > development branch
local branch > development branch > svn/trunk
Is it possible to do it with git?
I'm using git version 2.14.3
git GUI - smartgit v18.1
No, this is not possible in Git. But it's also not that important (really!), because tracking a branch in Git just means that the one branch has the other set as its upstream:
git branch --set-upstream-to=desired-upstream my-branch
Each of your branches can have at most one upstream at any time. When your branch does have an upstream, the following occur:
git fetch
with no arguments knows which other Git repository may contain commits to be fetched. Hence you can run git fetch
instead of git fetch remote
But if you only have one remote named origin
, as is pretty common, this doesn't really buy you anything since git fetch
with no arguments will fetch from origin
if it has nothing better from an upstream. In other words, git fetch
already fetches from the (single) correct remote anyway. So having an upstream here did not buy you anything.
git merge
and git rebase
run with no additional arguments automatically know which remote-tracking name to use. This does buy you something, but if you'd like to have two upstreams, you would still have had to tell git merge
or git rebase
which upstream to use, so having to type git merge fred/xyzzy
and git merge giselle/xyzzy
isn't really much worse. In fact it's probably better: git merge upstream1
and git merge upstream2
are shorter to type, but is fred/xyzzy
upstream #1, or is it upstream #2? Why not use the more memorable name?
Like the other two above, git pull
—which just runs the other two, fetch first and then one of the other two commands—also knows what to use by default. I recommend that most Git users avoid git pull
as it's meant to be a convenience command, but tends to be inconvenient at the worst times. If you avoid git pull
, having it know things buys you nothing at all.
The default git push
behavior, using the standard push.default
setting of simple
, is better. This does buy you something, but you probably should only be pushing to one other Git repository anyway, so you can pick that particular other Git repository as the (single) upstream for the branch.
Last, the git status
command (which some other Git commands run, or run part of) becomes more informative, telling you how many commits you are ahead of and behind the chosen upstream. This includes git branch -v
as well. I find this has significant value.
Fortunately, there's a simple way to get the same information from the command line, and you can make an alias or script to do this for you. When git status
says that you're "ahead 1" and/or "behind 3", it's running the equivalent of:
git rev-list --count --left-right <local-name>...<upstream-name>
For instance, with branch stash-exp
having origin/master
as its upstream, I can run:
git rev-list --count --left-right stash-exp...origin/master
and get the same two numbers (as raw numbers): the first is the "ahead" count and the second is the "behind" count. Note the three periods .
here; this form of this command and options requires all three, while most commands mostly use the two-dot syntax instead.
In summary, then, setting an upstream, so that some local branch name tracks either some remote-tracking name, or some other local branch name, has a very low cost (one command) and some noticeable benefits, so you should do it when it makes sense. But the benefits are not so huge as to need to have more than one upstream.