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How do I discover Service UUIDs and Characterstic UUIDs with react-native-ble-plx?


I'm trying to connect to my bluetooth device, however upon connecting and discovering all services and characteristics, I'm unable to advance because the information returned is insufficient. I receive no service UUIDs nor any characteristic UUIDs.

What do I need to do to be able to access the UUIDs to then be able to read from the characteristics?

What I've tried:

My device after calling device.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics(); returns:

{ _40: 0, _65: 0, _55: null, _72: null }

and when I log device I get:

06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS: { isConnectable: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   rssi: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   serviceData: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   overflowServiceUUIDs: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   mtu: 23,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   localName: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   manufacturerData: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   txPowerLevel: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   id: '00:1E:C0:65:D7:DB',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   solicitedServiceUUIDs: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   name: 'RND7DB',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   serviceUUIDs: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:   _manager:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:    { _eventEmitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:       { _subscriber:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:          { _subscriptionsForType:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:             { appStateDidChange:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       isAvailable: true,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _eventHandlers: { change: {}, memoryWarning: {} },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       currentState: 'active' },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'appStateDidChange',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               websocketMessage: [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               websocketOpen: [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               websocketClosed: [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               websocketFailed: [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               didUpdateDimensions:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _currentSubscription: null },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'didUpdateDimensions',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               hardwareBackPress:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _currentSubscription: null },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'hardwareBackPress',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               collectBugExtraData:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _currentSubscription: null },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function: collectExtraData],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'collectBugExtraData',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               collectRedBoxExtraData:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _currentSubscription: null },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function: collectExtraData],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: null,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'collectRedBoxExtraData',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               url:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter: { _subscriber: [Circular] },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'url',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                  { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter: { _subscriber: [Circular] },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'url',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 1 } ],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:               toggleElementInspector:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                [ { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       _currentSubscription: null },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    listener: [Function],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    context: undefined,
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    eventType: 'toggleElementInspector',
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    key: 0 },
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                  { subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                    emitter:
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                     { _subscriber: [Circular],
06-23 16:36:54.758  4397  4597 I ReactNativeJS:                       sharedSubscribe

At this point, I do not know what to do as I have received no valuable information to further get information from a characteristic.

According to the docs, I need the UUIDs to read from my device.

  serviceUUID: UUID,
  characteristicUUID: UUID,
  transactionId: ?TransactionId
): Promise<Characteristic>

Note: When I use Ble Scanner app on android, I'm able to receive all services and characteristics with their UUIDs.

Code snippet:

    @action connect = (deviceName) => {

        const device = this.devices.find(device=> === deviceName);

        if(device === undefined){
   = "Couldn't find device";

        this.selectedDevice = device;
            .then((device) => {
       = "Discovering services and characteristics";
                return device.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics();
            .then((device) => {
       = "Setting notifications";
                return this.setupNotifications(device)
            .then(() => {
       = "Listening..."
            }, (error) => {
       = error.message;

 async setupNotifications(device) {

github issue #293


  • Here’s how I use it, hope it could help

     const { updateCharacteristic } = this.props
     const connectedDevice = await manager.connectToDevice(
     const services = await connectedDevice.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics()
     const characteristic = await this.getServicesAndCharacteristics(services)
    getServicesAndCharacteristics(device) {
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
           => {
                        const characteristics = []
                        services.forEach((service, i) => {
                            service.characteristics().then(c => {
                                if (i === services.length - 1) {
                                    const temp = characteristics.reduce(
                                        (acc, current) => {
                                            return [...acc, ...current]
                                    const dialog = temp.find(
                                        characteristic =>
                                    if (!dialog) {
                                        reject('No writable characteristic')

    Best regards.