I have been tasked in creating a Productivity tracker at my workplace. I created a google form and am now trying to filter the responses on a different tab than the FormResponses tab to be specific to a date. I'm having trouble writing in the correct syntax to get the results I need.
Here is a copy of the sheet with dummy data I'm working with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zZrGtunB_9FhNIT7RyUczqc8qYGrAPgU-iwXMf_oznE/edit?usp=sharing
Essentially, I'm trying to query the sum of Column K (How many scooters did you deploy?) from tab FormResponses based on a specific date on to Tab ShiftReportTrackingCalculator. I need more Column sums than that but i wanted to start with just one to get a better understanding of the syntax needed to get the query to work properly.
So far ive tried SELECT K WHERE J = date '"&TEXT(DATEVALUE("6/19/2018"),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'"
and am getting a parsing error. I haven't figured out how to sum the column yet either.
The query string you generate in ShiftReportTrackingCalculator needs to be
="SELECT SUM(K) WHERE J = date '"&TEXT(DATEVALUE("2018-06-19"),"yyyy-mm-dd")&"'"
I changed the following things: