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R Grouped Data Frame: Function relates single value to the other values of the group

in a grouped data frame, i would like to apply a function that relates the one value in the actual a row to all other values of the group (and same column) except the one iin the present row. This will lead to a single value new variable. So if the group consists of c(1,2,3,4,5) i would like to have a new variable with: c(fun(1,c(2,3), fun(2, c(1,3), fun(3, c(1,2)) My groups do not have similar size. But trying so long, i always receive funny values like zeroes or errors.

Example code:

dat <- data_frame(a=1:10,value=round(runif(10),2),group=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4))

 # one possible function
dif.dist <- function(x1, x2) sum(abs(x1 - x2))/(length(x2)-1) 

 # with this, sometimes the grouping gets lost in "vec" and i receive zeros   
 x <- dat%>%
 mutate(vec= list(value))%>%
 mutate(dif = dif.dist(unique(value),unlist(vec)[unlist(vec)!=value]))%>%

 # another try with plyr, that returns only 0   
 dat <- ddply(dat, .(group), mutate, dif=dif.dist1(value[a==a],value[value!=value[a==a]]))

but the function works

 [1] 0.85

Later, i need this to receive distance matrices of a large set of variables related to each participant. I would be thankful for Help!


  • One option would be to loop over the sequence of rows after grouping by 'group' and subset the elements of 'value' based on the index

    out <- dat %>%
             group_by(group) %>% 
             mutate(dif = map_dbl(row_number(), ~ dif.dist(value[.x], value[-.x])))
    head(out, 2)
    # A tibble: 2 x 4
    # Groups:   group [1]
    #      a value group   dif
    #  <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
    #1     1  0.17     1  0.85
    #2     2  0.81     1  1.07