Within a bash script, I launch Vim with options:
vim "-c startinsert" "+normal 2G4|" foo
double-quotes are needed, but it could be replaced by simple one:
vim '-c startinsert' '+normal 2G4|' foo
as those options could vary from one file to another, I want to store them in a string, typically:
opt='"-c startinsert" "+normal 2G4|"'
and then:
vim $opt foo
but that does not work, and I tried every combination of quotes, double-quotes, escaping,…
Actually, the only way I find it works is to store only one option per string:
o1="-c startinsert"
o2="+normal 2G4|"
vim "$o1" "$o2" foo
So, is it possible to store two (or more) options in a string? Because when I tried, bash seems to interpret them as a file name, for example:
opt='"-c startinsert" "+normal 2G4|"'
vim "$opt" foo
Vim will open two files:
""-c startinsert" "+normal 2G4|""
instead of open foo
with options "-c startinsert" "+normal 2G4|"
I suggest using arrays, which you can manipulate easily and even use some substitutions when expanding.
Also, note that -c
is equivalent to beginning a command directly with +
opt=(startinsert 'normal 2G4|')
# opt+=('normal l')
vim "${opt[@]/#/+}" foo
The last line automatically prepends +
to each argument.