In a Django program, how to explicitly disable auto transaction management before hundreds of UPDATEs and enable it after the UPDATEs finish?
I looked into but didn't find any clue.
I tried to put the following code at the beginning
I also tried
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('SET SESSION autocommit = 0;')
cursor.execute('SET SESSION autocommit = 1;')
Neither methods above improved the updating speed. Is there anything wrong with above codes?
from django.db import transaction
def my_function_that_does_thousands_of_updates():
# Do whatever you want here
This will let you run whatever SQL you want to run, and then only commit if there are no exceptions. The set_dirty() call is required if you're using a manual cursor as in your example, but won't be required if you just use the Django ORM (if I'm not mistaken; this is 1.2 behaviour at least).
To have full control over the transactions, you can use the transaction.commit_manually decorator. As for your speed issue, I can't comment.
The django docs explain this pretty well: