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How to extract a single element of list-value of function using dplyr/magrittr - R

I'm writing code using dplyr and pipes and using NbClust function, which returns a list of objects named All.index, All.CriticalValues,, Best.partition.

So I can assign my expression to some variable and then refer to element as a variable$ But how can I extract element using pipes?

I have tried purrr::map('[[', '') but it didn't work.


  • You can directly use the base R [[ as a function without map:

    lst <- list(a = 1, b = 2)
    lst %>% `[[`('a')
    # [1] 1
    variable %>% `[[`('')

    Or with purrr, you can use the pluck function and simply provide the element index or name:

    lst %>% pluck('a')
    # [1] 1
    lst %>% pluck(1)
    # [1] 1

    For your case:

    variable %>% pluck('')

    The advantage of pluck to [[ extractor is that you can index deeply for a nested list, for instance:

    lst <- list(a = list(x = list(), y = 'm', z = 1:3), b = 2)

    To access the z element nested in a:

    lst %>% pluck('a', 'z')
    # [1] 1 2 3