I'm given the array with n elements and I need to find k-th sum from sums of every pair n^2 in time complexity O(n*logn), sums are in ascending order.
Example input
In the first line are given number of elements and number of sum to find. In the second line list of number which sums of pair we need to generate.
3 6
1 4 6
The answer is 8 for given list, below is array of every pair of sums, where 8, sum of 4+4 is on the 6-th position.
2 5 5 7 7 8 10 10 12
where first three elements are genereted as follow
Edit: I came up to this that the main problem is to find place for sum of elements with themselves. I will give example to make it more clear.
For sequence [1, 4, 10], we have
2 5 5 8 11 11 14 14 20
The problem is where to place sum of 4+4, that depends if 1+10 > 4+4, others sums have fixed place because second element + last will be always bigger than last + first (if we have elements in ascending order).
Thanks to juvian solving the hard parts, I was able to write this solution, the comments should explain it:
def count_sums_of_at_most(amount, nums1, nums2):
p1 = 0 # Pointer into the first array, start at the beginning
p2 = len(nums2) - 1 # Pointer into the second array, start at the end
# Move p1 up and p2 down, walking through the "diagonal" in O(n)
sum_count = 0
while p1 < len(nums1):
while amount < nums1[p1] + nums2[p2]:
p2 -= 1
if p2 < 0:
# p1 became too large, we are done
# Found a valid p2 for the given p1
sum_count += p2 + 1
p1 += 1
return sum_count
def find_sum(k, nums1, nums2):
# Sort both arrays, this runs in O(n * log(n))
# Binary search through all sums, runs in O(n * log(max_sum))
low = nums1[0] + nums2[0]
high = nums1[-1] + nums2[-1]
while low <= high:
mid = (high + low) // 2
sum_count = count_sums_of_at_most(mid, nums1, nums2)
if sum_count >= k:
high = mid - 1
low = mid + 1
return low
arr = [1, 4, 5, 6]
for k in range(1, 1 + len(arr) ** 2):
print('sum', k, 'is', find_sum(k, arr, arr))
This prints:
sum 1 is 2
sum 2 is 5
sum 3 is 5
sum 4 is 6
sum 5 is 6
sum 6 is 7
sum 7 is 7
sum 8 is 8
sum 9 is 9
sum 10 is 9
sum 11 is 10
sum 12 is 10
sum 13 is 10
sum 14 is 11
sum 15 is 11
sum 16 is 12