I have a user control in which I want to add an image as background. I am using this code:
<ImageBrush ImageSource="x:\myLogo.png"/>
The problem is that I don't find the way to scale the image, because it fills the user control and doesn't keep the proportions. I cannot find any way to scale and set another properties of the image, except for the opacity.
So, how I could scale and set the fill options of the image?
ImageBrush has the Stretch
property to define how to fit the content using the Stretch enumeration:
Describes how content is resized to fill its allocated space
<ImageBrush ImageSource="../Image.jpg"/>
<ImageBrush ImageSource="../Image.jpg" Stretch="None"/>
<ImageBrush ImageSource="../Image.jpg" Stretch="Uniform"/>
<ImageBrush ImageSource="../Image.jpg" Stretch="UniformToFill"/>
Further cropping, shaping or scaling adjustments can be done by using the Viewbox and Viewport properties like described in this tutorial.