I'm trying to implement a custom role provider in sitefinity. I've found a few examples but I can't find anything that's documented that well. One of the things I'd like to know more about is what options are available in the Provider Abilities array.
I see an example from git hub that lists some of them, but what else is available to put in there? The provider I'm creating will be a read-only provider so I'd like to know what else I can put in there and mark it as either not supported or not allowed.
What other options are available?
You use this to basically say what actions your provider supports.
The built-in OpenAccessRoleProvider provider (the one that uses the database to store roles) supports all those actions (add/remove/get role, assign/unassign user to role) that you attached, but the LdapRoleProvider for instance, does not support the DeleteRole ability (note how its second and third params are false):
public override ProviderAbilities Abilities
ProviderAbilities providerAbility = new ProviderAbilities()
ProviderName = this.Name,
ProviderType = base.GetType().FullName
providerAbility.AddAbility("GetRole", true, true);
providerAbility.AddAbility("AddRole", false, false);
providerAbility.AddAbility("AssingUserToRole", false, false);
providerAbility.AddAbility("UnAssingUserFromRole", false, false);
providerAbility.AddAbility("DeleteRole", false, false);
return providerAbility;
public void AddAbility(string operationName, bool supported, bool allowed) {...}
That's normal - for instance you cannot delete a role in the Active Directory from Sitefinity.