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How to prevent a Command Line Tool from exiting before asynchronous operation completes

In a swift 2 command line tool (main.swift), I have the following:

import Foundation

var request = HTTPTask()
request.GET("", parameters: nil, completionHandler: {(response: HTTPResponse) in
    if let err = response.error {
        print("error: \(err.localizedDescription)")
        return //also notify app of failure as needed
    if let data = response.responseObject as? NSData {
        let str = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
        print("response: \(str)") //prints the HTML of the page

The console shows 'yay' and then exits (Program ended with exit code: 0), seemingly without ever waiting for the request to complete. How would I prevent this from happening?

The code is using swiftHTTP

I think I might need an NSRunLoop but there is no swift example


  • I realize this is an old question, but here is the solution I ended on. Using DispatchGroup.

    let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
    for someItem in items {
        doSomeAsyncWork(item: someItem) {
    dispatchGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {