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How to read from SQL Server table with RhinoETL framework?

Many sample codes on RhinoETL talk about loading from csv files and insert into database. How to perform a read from SQL Server database and output its rows to console ? Do you have a sample code to perform simple dbread and batch read ?

The author's blog showed some sample code, but it appears to be incomplete, or I am missing something.

My non-working code

public class ReadBuildInfos : ConventionInputCommandOperation
    public ReadBuildInfos(ConnectionStringSettings csSettings) : base(csSettings)
        Command = "SELECT Key, Value FROM dbo.BuildInfos WITH (NOLOCK);";

    public override IEnumerable<Row> Execute(IEnumerable<Row> rows)
        foreach (Row row in rows)
            yield return row;


  • After debugging directly with Rhino.Etl, turns out I did 2 mistakes:

    1. The ConnectionStringSettings should include providerName . RhinoETL threw an exception on this but somehow I am not able to see it

          var csString = new ConnectionStringSettings("myConnection2",
              ";Database=MyDbName;User ID=youruser;Password=yourpassword",
              "System.Data.SqlClient"); //I was missing this.
          Register(new ReadBuildInfosConvention(csString));
    2. The author's blog is complete. Execute method should not be overriden. A SQL Reader is as simple as the following:

      public class ReadBuildInfosConvention : ConventionInputCommandOperation
          public ReadBuildInfosConvention(ConnectionStringSettings csSettings) : base(csSettings)
              Command = "SELECT [Key], [Value] FROM BuildInfos WITH (NOLOCK);";

    because the base Execute method already handles the DB Read appropriately

        public override IEnumerable<Row> Execute(IEnumerable<Row> rows)
            using (IDbConnection connection = Use.Connection(ConnectionStringSettings))
            using (IDbTransaction transaction = BeginTransaction(connection))
                using (currentCommand = connection.CreateCommand())
                    currentCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                    using (IDataReader reader = currentCommand.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            yield return CreateRowFromReader(reader);
                if (transaction != null) transaction.Commit();

    Here is a working VS solution with logging.