In visual studio 2017 (or probably any version) I want to open a solution in the IDE and start it building from the command line. IF the solution is already open then I just want it to start building (in the IDE).
So I can open the solution like this:
devenv solution.sln
Or I can build it like this:
devenv /build solution.sln
There is also this:
devenv solution.sln /command ...
But the documentation on what "commands" there are is very difficult to find out about... The example is some user made macro, but I assume there are other built in commands? - this may help...?
But I am not sure how to:
Is there some way to do this?
My use case is to kick off the build from within IBM Rhapsody. In MSVS2012 it supported a Rhapsody addin which did these tasks... but addins have been deprecated since 2013 so I can get Rhapsody to do what I want by re-writing its make file content - the makefile will just call a batch file script which will do the commands that I am trying to do in this question - and then Rhapsody plugin done :)
Actually note that:
devenv solution.sln
only opens a solution in a new VS IDE instance.devenv /build solution.sln
only builds projects that have changed since the last build without opening VS IDE. To build all projects in a solution, use /rebuild instead.So, if you want to
Open a solution in the IDE and have it build straight away
you should run the two commands consecutively:
devenv solution.sln
devenv /rebuild solution.sln
Then at the second time use /rebuild only to avoid opening a new VS instance.
Update: you can make a .cmd or .bat file contains the following:
tasklist /fi "imagename eq devenv.exe" /v | find /i "solution" 2>NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto solution_is_running
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto solution_is_closed
devenv /rebuild solution.sln
devenv solution.sln
devenv /rebuild solution.sln
Or use:
Taskkill /IM devenv.exe /F
devenv solution.sln
devenv /rebuild solution.sln