My firebase project has multiple real-time databases (RTDB). How can I use the command line interface (CLI) to update a specific database when I have more than one?
$ firebase database:update --help
Usage: database:update [options] <path> [infile]
update some of the keys for the defined path in your Firebase
-d, --data <data> specify escaped JSON directly
-y, --confirm pass this option to bypass confirmation prompt
-h, --help output usage information
I choose my project with firebase use -add
but there is nothing in the help page about defining the URL to the database, similar to this question. Both the node.js firebase-import and the python firebase-streaming-import include the database URL as a parameter.
It turns out that support for this was released today in version 3.19.0. firebase database:get --help
now reports:
--instance <instance> use the database <instance> (if omitted, use default database instance)
So, you should be able to use that to specify the shorthand instance name of your database.