I've been trying to iterate {"username":"testuser","password":"XXXXXX"}
in smarty(3.1.29). I need to print those keys and values inside a panel. I cannot iterate over this.
Even I tried with PHP array a:2:{s:8:"username";s:6:"ubuntu";s:8:"password";s:8:"password";}
I cannot iterate this.
$json = {
{foreach from=$json item=key key=val}
Key : {key}
Value: {value}
Is there any way possible to iterate over this?
I want output like below:
Key : testuser
Value : XXXXX
You could try converting the JSON object to a PHP array first:
$userJson = {"username":"testuser","password":"XXXXXX"}
$userArray = json_decode($userJson)
$smarty->assign("userArray", $userArray);
Then in Smarty it would be:
{foreach from=$userArray key=key item=value}
<li>{$key}: {$value}</li>