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FoxyCart credit card payment testing

Currently, I want to use FoxyCart to handle the shopping cart and checkout process of my website. The payment gateway behind is Stripe. I am actually using the card numbers for testing provided by stripe for the checkout.

This is what I filled in: enter image description here

I am trying to make things work, however.....

This message comes out when I completed the checkout form and click the checkout button:

Error: Your payment was declined for the following reason: Sending credit card numbers directly to the Stripe API is generally unsafe. We suggest you use test tokens that map to the test card you are using, see

Stripe told me that they declined my request: enter image description here

I don't quite understand how do checkout testing using the test tokens which was the method they suggested. Is there any can help me? I just want to make it work. Please feel free to give me other solution if you have one.

These are what I have done so far:


extends ../../layouts/layout-checkout

block content
  // link example
  a(href='') Add a red Cool Example
  // form example
  form(action='', method='post', accept-charset='utf-8')
    input(type='hidden', name='name', value='Cool Example')
    input(type='hidden', name='price', value='10')
    input(type='hidden', name='code', value='sku123')
    label.label_left Size
      option(value='small') Small
      option(value='medium') Medium
      option(value='large') Large
    input.submit(type='submit', value='Add a Cool Example')

doctype html


    //include ../scripts/meta/HeadTags.pug
    block title
    link(rel='stylesheet', href='/dist/css/whre.css')/
    include ../scripts/meta/GAnalytics.pug


    block content

    script(data-cfasync='false', src='', async='', defer='')
    include ../scripts/Hotjar.pug
    block extraScripts


var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

/* GET users listing. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {

module.exports = router;


  • This error message happens when you send card details directly in the API server-side, instead of tokenizing. This usually has some PCI compliance implications so Stripe blocks it by default.

    Usually, you need to change your integration to properly tokenize client-side with Elements or Checkout.

    In your case though you don't control the code or integration since you are using a third-party platform called FoxyCart. They are the ones who should either start tokenizing client-side, or use Stripe Connect to make API requests on your behalf instead.

    I would recommend talking to them (FoxyCart) about this issue so that they can upgrade their integration.