I'm following the Real World Haskell book. In the chapter about Monads, they give a simple example using the list monad to compute all pairs of numbers (x, y) that such that x * y == n
Their solution is:
multiplyTo :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
multiplyTo n = do
x <- [1..n]
y <- [x..n]
guarded (x * y == n) $
return (x, y)
guarded :: Bool -> [a] -> [a]
guarded True xs = xs
guarded False _ = []
But I was wondering if I could restate guarded
for any monad.
Since fail
in the list monad is fail _ = []
, I though I could do:
guarded :: (Monad m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
guarded True = id
guarded False = fail "skipped"
However, this actually fails in ghci:
*Main> multiplyTo 24
*** Exception: skipped
I had a hunch which I cannot fully explain. These two version work:
guarded :: (Monad m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
guarded True = id
guarded False = \s -> fail "skipped"
guarded :: (Monad m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
guarded True xs = xs
guarded False _ = fail "skipped"
The type of fail "skipped"
is Monad m => m a
, whereas the type of guarded False
is Monad m => m a -> m a
. Then how is it possible that my first definition of guarded
You're being tripped up by the controversial function monad instance (actually this is not that controversial in the Haskell community, but I personally think we might have been better off if it didn't exist) together with the uncontroversially broken fail
Look at the types:
guarded False
= fail "skipped" :: m a -> m a
≡ (fail :: String -> (m a -> m a)) "skipped"
≡ (fail :: String -> F (m a)) "skipped" -- with `type F x = m a -> x`
I.e., you calling fail
on the (->) (m a)
monad, and that does not define a custom fail
implementation, so it defaults to the error one
fail :: String -> ((->) r) a
fail s = errorWithoutStackTrace s
Note how this even typechecks if you remove the Monad m
constraint from your function, because the fail
doesn't use that monad.
The correct generalisation of your function is
guarded :: Alternative f => Bool -> f a -> f a
guarded True = id
guarded False = const empty
This does not typecheck if I erronously forget the const
, because functions are not an instance of Alternative