Lets say i have a CustomView with a value in it. I want to expose that value to the world using rx.value (Observable) instead of having to access it by value (Int).
final class CustomView: UIView {
var value: Int = 0
I copied this from UIStepper+Rx:
extension Reactive where Base: CustomView {
var value: ControlProperty<Int> {
return base.rx.controlProperty(editingEvents: [.allEditingEvents, .valueChanged],
getter: { customView in
}, setter: { customView, value in
customView.currentValue = value
final class CustomView: UIControl {
fileprivate var currentValue = 1 {
didSet {
valueLabel.text = currentValue.description
// inside i set currentValue = 3
But customView.rx.value doesnt emit any values
The missing thing is, you need to send action on UIControl
. Check the next example:
class CustomView: UIControl {
var value: Int = 0 {
didSet { sendActions(for: .valueChanged) } // You are missing this part
extension Reactive where Base: CustomView {
var value: ControlProperty<Int> {
return base.rx.controlProperty(editingEvents: UIControlEvents.valueChanged,
getter: { customView in
return customView.value },
setter: { (customView, newValue) in
customView.value = newValue})