I have the following query using the Invantive Query Tool connecting to NMBRS.
select e.number
, es.EmployeeId
, e.displayname
, es.ParttimePercentage
, es.startdate
from Nmbrs.Employees.EmployeeSchedules es
join Nmbrs.Employees.Employees e
on es.EmployeeId = e.id
by e.displayname
, es.startdate
(I want to retrieve all mutations in part-time percentage/schedule)
However Nmbrs.Employees.Employees
only shows active employees. And I need that because that shows the employee ID as shown in Nmbrs.Employees.EmployeeSchedules
is not the employee ID shown in the UI rather it is an internal ID.
I did notice Nmbrs.Employees.Employees
has an additional where clause (as per documentation):
Additional Where Clause:
- CompanyId
- active
The following query
select * from Nmbrs.Employees.Employees where active = 1
gives an error:
Unknown identifier 'active'.
Consider one of the following: Nmbrs.Employees.Employees.PartitionID, Nmbrs.Employees.Employees.Id, Nmbrs.Employees.Employees.Number, Nmbrs.Employees.Employees.DisplayName, Employees.Employees.PartitionID, Employees.PartitionID, PartitionID, Employees.Employees.Id.
Active isn't mentioned so I don't know if that is usable.
is a server-side filter on Nmbrs.nl. It defaults to the value "active". Don't ask me why they choose to have an API reflect the user interface; it is weird, but it is the way it is.
To retrieve all employees from one or more companies (partitions), use:
use all
select * from employeesall
select * from employeesinactive
These are recent additions to the Nmbrs.nl API tables supported.
Note that the output does NOT contain whether an employee is active. When you need that too, please use a view or:
select 'active' type
, t.*
from nmbrs..employeesactive t
union all
select 'inactive' type
, t.*
from nmbrs..employeesinactive t