Consider the following view:
create view x as
select 1 as [source],* from some_table
union all
select 2,* from some_other_table
When I run
select * from x where source=1
can I be sure that the select 2....
query is not even executed?
The reason is that in my case, that one is an openquery with sluggish speed, which I want to avoid.
You can do stuff like this, but i dont know if that meets your other requirements you might have - Otherwise you can create 2 views.
CREATE proc dbo.usp_selectspecificquery
@source int
IF(@source = 1)
Select 1 as source, * from some_table
Select 1 as source,* from some_table
union all
select 2 as source,* from some_other_table
exec dbo.usp_selectspecificquery 1