I can apply without problems a texture to an object made using indexedfaceset
but when i try to apply a texture to an object made using extrusion
its like the faces of the object are not there. Example:
figure on the left is the result applying normal colors, and on the right applying the texture.
Here is the code when applying the textures:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type='text/javascript' src='x3dom-full.js'>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='x3dom.css' />
<x3d width="512px" height="512px">
<switch whichChoice="-1">
<extrusion id="wall" convex="true"
-1 -0.5
-0.7 -0.4
-0.4 -0.35
0 -0.3
0.4 -0.35
0.7 -0.4
1 -0.5
1 0.2
0.7 0.3
0.4 0.35
0 0.4
-0.4 0.35
-0.7 0.3
-1 0.2
-1 -0.5"
0 -1 0
0 0 0"
1 1
1 1">
<transform translation="0 0 0" scale="1 1 1">
<ImageTexture url="castle_walls.jpg">
<x3dgeometrynode use="wall"></x3dgeometrynode>
Any help would be appreciated.
Texture coordinates are automatically generated by Extrusion nodes. Textures are mapped so that the coordinates range in the U direction from 0 to 1 along the crossSection curve (with 0 corresponding to the first point in crossSection and 1 to the last) and in the V direction from 0 to 1 along the spine curve (with 0 corresponding to the first listed spine point and 1 to the last). If either the endCap or beginCap exists, the crossSection curve is uniformly scaled and translated so that the larger dimension of the cross-section (X or Z) produces texture coordinates that range from 0.0 to 1.0. The beginCap and endCap textures' S and T directions correspond to the X and Z directions in which the crossSection coordinates are defined.