I am running a PS command get-Keyproperty
which is returning result in table format at below"
Key Label Policy Running Required
--- ----- ------ ------- --------
abc UI on True False
efg UI off True False
I want to retrieve value of Policy
which is on
How to retrieve Policy
value of abc
I am running get-Keyproperty | Select-Object abc
but it is not working.
To get the value of Policy
try to run
Get-Keyproperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Policy
Even though the command above is the recommended way, you can also get the same result with (Get-Keyproperty).Policy
If you want to check if the value matches "on" just do (Get-Keyproperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Policy) -eq "on"
If you want the Policy
Value of a certain entry you can either:
Choose the entry over its position in the table
(Get-Keyproperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Policy)[0]
Or by finding it over its value of Key
Get-Keyproperty | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "abc" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Policy
As mentioned in the comments, a shorter way of the same command is
(Get-Keyproperty | ? Key -eq "abc").Policy
is an alias (Get-Alias ?
) and the {script block}
is only neccessary for more complex expressions which then requires the $_.Key
or $PSItem.Key
(introduced in PSv3) notation; which both are synonym for the current object in the pipeline . See Get-Help Where-Object