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Functionality of isalpha function

The Python program below checks if there exists an alphabet in the string and if there is no alphabet it translates it to english using a custom API and writes it to a file. Since isalpha() checks for - 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.

I'm not sure as to why the program enters the first loop for this string - '龙海德信机电有限公司'. When I ran the debugger it showed that the isalpha() function evaluates as an alphabet. I'm not sure as to why this happens.

def translate_function(file):
    filea = open(file,encoding = "utf8")
    fileb = open("lmao.txt", 'r+')
    count = 0
    for i in filea:
        state = 'false'
        count += 1
        for j in i :
            if (j.isalpha()):
                state = 'true'
                print(i, "This is English")
        if (state == 'false'):
            trans = translate(i)
    return count


  • You can try this, I have modified your code a little bit:

    def translate_function(file):
        filea = open(file,encoding = "utf8")
        fileb = open("lmao.txt", 'r+')
        count = 0
        for i in filea:
            state = 'false'
            count += 1
            words = i.split(" ")
            for word in words:
                if not word.isalpha():
                    trans = translate(i)
        return count