I have an enum where each member has a custom attribute applied to it. How can I retrieve the value stored in each attribute?
Right now I do this:
var attributes = typeof ( EffectType ).GetCustomAttributes ( false );
foreach ( object attribute in attributes )
GPUShaderAttribute attr = ( GPUShaderAttribute ) attribute;
if ( attr != null )
return attr.GPUShader;
return 0;
Another issue is, if it's not found, what should I return? 0 is implcity convertible to any enum, right? That's why I returned that.
Forgot to mention, the above code returns 0 for every enum member.
It is a bit messy to do what you are trying to do as you have to use reflection:
public GPUShaderAttribute GetGPUShader(EffectType effectType)
MemberInfo memberInfo = typeof(EffectType).GetMember(effectType.ToString())
if (memberInfo != null)
GPUShaderAttribute attribute = (GPUShaderAttribute)
memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GPUShaderAttribute), false)
return attribute;
return null;
This will return an instance of the GPUShaderAttribute
that is relevant to the one marked up on the enum value of EffectType
. You have to call it on a specific value of the EffectType
GPUShaderAttribute attribute = GetGPUShader(EffectType.MyEffect);
Once you have the instance of the attribute, you can get the specific values out of it that are marked-up on the individual enum values.