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How to access class instance calling ES6 Promise within .then()?

I'm trying to resolve this in a Promise and can't figure out why it's not working. An arrow function usually does it for me, but this is a bit more convoluted than usual.

The snippet below, for example, gives the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'processResponse' of undefined

Where is this getting lost?

If the snippet below doesn't work, try this codepen.

class Page {
  init() {
    this.datatable = new Datatable();

  behaviorFlavor() {
    console.log('Doing action...');
      // 'this' is undefined
      .then((data) => { this.processResponse(data) });

  processResponse(data) {
    console.log('Processing response...');

class Datatable {
  setBehavior(callback) {
    // Add event listener to rows, etc.
    $('button').click(() => {

class Ajax {
  static get() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      console.log("Sending request...");

(new Page).init();
<script src=""></script>

  <button>Click Here!</button>
  <p>Then check your browser's console to see the error.</p>


  • The this context is getting lost by passing the behaviorFlavor function reference as a callback. You're basically extracting the method from its class and attempting to execute it in isolation.

    Try one of these alternatives...

    1. Use an arrow function to lock-in the this context

      setBehavior(() => { this.behaviorFlavor() })
    2. Directly bind the behaviorFlavor function
