I use CustomActivityOnCrash made by ereza and Google's Fabric.
I am going through one issue that is not classified by class, because I reported in MyCrashActivity
For reference, the Exception.printStackTrace()
in the crash area is received as an Intent.
public class MyCrashActivity { ... @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); findViewById(R.id.abcdefg); StringBuffer crashErrorMsg = new StringBuffer(); crashErrorMsg.append("\n").append(CustomActivityOnCrash.getAllErrorDetailsFromIntent(this, getIntent())); Crashlytics.logException(new Throwable(crashErrorMsg.toString())); // error report. sendReportAppCrash(crashErrorMsg.toString()); ... } ... }
I know. my fault. but, I don't know what to do about whether to divide Crashlytics.logException()
and MyCrashActivity
When these two are combined, All error reports are reported as a problem with "MyCrashActivity".
Yeah, I guess that fabric had reported error before crash.
so, It seems that there were two reports.
I removed fabric code to fix the problem.
public class MyCrashActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
As a result, I believe that this library is just for outputting a view gracefully prepared to die.
This question may seem somewhat stupid, but I hope it helps.