Is it ok to have many aggregate root like this in a bounded context
ProductID : GUID
Name : string
Price : float
ProductID : GUID
Discounted : float
ProductID : GUID
ShortName : string
I don't know it will break the rule of bounded context while these are difference kind of product but within a context.
Each Aggregate Root should have its own unique ID in a DDD scenario and that seems to be missing (if I'm understanding your scenario correctly, it seems you want all of the 3 classes to be roots). So, if your design was something along these lines:
Product <ROOT>
ProductID : GUID
Name : string
Price : float
ProductPromotion <ROOT>
PromotionID: GUID
ProductID : GUID
Discounted : float
ProductShortName <ROOT>
ProductID : GUID
ShortName : string
on its own, this design doesn't hurt the aggregate or bounded context principles. One aggregate should be allowed to hold a reference to another aggregate root's id (as in countless shopping-cart examples where the LineItem holds a reference to the ProductID).
What you shouldn't be doing (and it appears you aren't) is holding full references to whole aggregates inside another.
However, you should always reflect on what are your goals when designing aggregates. Yes they should be small, but they also must convey an objective. Usually they are designed to enforce certain invariants and these examples don't seem to be achieving that goal.
Maybe your example was overly simplified for the question though and I can't really evaluate it but it doesn't seem to me "ProductPromotion" and "ProductShortName" are good candidates for full aggregates the way they are presented.