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How do I tag textfiles with hunpos in nltk?

Can someone help me with the syntax for hunpos tagging a corpus in nltk?

  1. What do I import for the hunpos.HunPosTagger module?

  2. How do I HunPosTag the corpus? See the code below.

import nltk 
from nltk.corpus import PlaintextCorpusReader  
from nltk.corpus.util import LazyCorpusLoader  

corpus_root = './'  
reader = PlaintextCorpusReader (corpus_root, '.*')  

ntuen = LazyCorpusLoader ('ntumultien', PlaintextCorpusReader, reader)  
isinstance (ntuen, PlaintextCorpusReader)  

# So how do I hunpos tag `ntuen`? I can't get the following code to work.
# please help me to correct my python syntax errors, I'm new to python 
# but i really need this to work. sorry
##from nltk.tag import hunpos.HunPosTagger
ht = HunPosTagger('english.model')
for sentence in ntu.sent() ##looping through the no. of sentence


  • import nltk 
    from nltk.tag.hunpos import HunposTagger
    from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
    corpus = "so how do i hunpos tag my ntuen ? i can't get the following code to work."
    #please help me to correct my python syntax errors, i'm new to python 
    #but i really need this to work. sorry
    ##from nltk.tag import hunpos.HunPosTagger
    ht = HunposTagger('en_wsj.model')
    print ht.tag(word_tokenize(corpus))

    I feel like the problem is you're not tokenizing the words, but there are other reasons the code may not work (it's HunposTagger, not HunPosTagger). I made this simplified example from your question. If you have any more questions please post a comment.

    I got everything from here:


    [('so', 'RB'), ('how', 'WRB'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('i', 'FW'), ('hunpos', 'NN'), ('tag', 'NN'), ('my', 'PRP$'), ('ntuen', 'NN'), ('?', '.'), ('i', 'FW'), ('ca', 'MD'), ("n't", 'RB'), ('get', 'VB'), ('the', 'DT'), ('following', 'JJ'), ('code', 'NN'), ('to', 'TO'), ('work', 'VB'), ('.', '.')]