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Play Framework: Dependency Injection in Sub-Templates

I want to use Scala Templates Dependency Injection.

Using it on the entry page it works:

@this(assets: AssetsFinder)
@(projConfig: ProjectConfig)

@main(projConfig) (assets){

} {
  <h1>Home page</h1>

But if I want to this in a sub-template like main it does NOT.

@this(assets: AssetsFinder)
@(projConfig: ProjectConfig)(content:Html)

<!DOCTYPE html>

Is this not possible or do I miss something?


  • Specify sub-template as a parameter in outer template's @this parameter list. For example, assuming full name of main is views.html.main, we have

    @this(assets: AssetsFinder, main: views.html.main)
    @(projConfig: ProjectConfig)
    @main(projConfig) {
    } {
      <h1>Home page</h1>