I’m doing some preliminary work getting data consumption ready from a webAPI controller in MVC. I’m using a linq query that mimics a union query that uses two joins. However, I need the select statement to ask for a different field on each side of the union. This works fine in SSMS when I run the query, but when I create the query in linq it will not allow the fields to be different. It gives an error saying that each anonymous type requires a receiver of the same type. This is referring to the two anonymous types created via select new { }… Here’s the two queries.
Select m.Last_Name, first_name, m.dc_number, Dept_Job as JobOrStatus FROM
Master_Roster m
INNER JOIN Class_Assignment a on m.dc_number = a.dc_number
where a.subject_am = 'y1'
AND Start_Date_AM <= '1/31/18'
Select m.Last_Name, first_name, m.dc_number, status_am FROM Master_Roster m
INNER JOIN Attend_am_y1 at on m.dc_number = at.dc_number
where at.class_date_am >= '1/1/18'
AND at.class_date_am <= '1/31/18'
ORDER BY Last_Name
In linq:
(from m in db.Master_Roster
join c in db.Class_Assignment
on m.dc_number equals c.dc_number
orderby m.Last_Name
where c.Subject_AM == "y1"
select new { m.dc_number, m.Last_Name, m.First_Name }).Concat(
from m in db.Master_Roster
join a in db.attend_am_y1 on m.dc_number equals a.dc_number
orderby m.Last_Name
where a.class_date_am >= date1 &&
a.class_date_am <= date2
select new { m.dc_number, m.Last_Name, m.First_Name });
If I were to add dept_job and status_am to the linq query, it throws aforementioned error. I’d like to do this without using a stored procedure. Any ideas?
Instead of putting into 2 anonymous types, put into the same viewmodel and concat. Eg:
Internal Class ConcatViewModel{
public int DcNumber {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;)
// etc...
select new ConcatViewModel{
DcNumber = m.dc_number,
LastName = m.Last_Name,
FirstName = m.First_Name,
Status = m.Dept_Job
select new ConcatViewModel{
DcNumber = m.dc_number,
LastName = m.Last_Name,
FirstName = m.First_Name,
Status = m.status_am
(assuming that status_am and Dept_Job are the same underlying type)