I am running my tests using TAP::Harness , when I run the tests from command line on a Linux system I get the test results on STDOUT as it is run but when i try to capture the output to a file as well as STDOUT using perl harness.pl | tee out.tap the results are buffered and displayed only at the end, I tried passing in a file handle to the new but the results are still buffered before being written to a file , Is there a way not to buffer the output, I have a long running suite and would like to look at the results while the tests are running as well as capture the output.
TAP::Harness version 3.22 and perl version 5.8.8
here is the sample code harness.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use TAP::Harness;
my @tests = ('del.t',);
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( {
verbosity => 1,
} );
and the test del.t
use Test::More qw /no_plan/;
my $count =1;
for (1 ..20 ) {
ok ( $count ++ == $_, "Pass $_");
sleep 1 if ( $count % 5 == 0 ) ;
Using script
instead of tee
does what you want:
script -c 'perl harness.pl' file
Found a simple change to make tee work as well: Specify a formatter_class
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( {
verbosity => 1,
formatter_class => 'TAP::Formatter::Console',
} );
This is because TAP::Harness
normally uses a different default one if the output is not a tty, which is what is causing the buffering you're seeing.