Perhaps my question will seem somewhat simple and understandable, but even so.
In my project, I use standard pagination and sorting.
The problem is that they replace each other in the get request, for example I sort them and if I go to the second page then the set is not sorted. I understand the reason and it seems the answer lies on the top, but even so I could not find it.
<a href="?order_by=counter__service__name_service&sort={{ sort_type }}">Counter</a>
Pagination example:
<a class="page-link" href="?page={{ history_application.previous_page_number }}">«</a>
The question is how to save the parameters that were transmitted earlier.
Try using a Django templatetag that updates the current request.GET
parameters and adds new parameters using urllib.urlencode
Create a templatetag:
# templatetags.app_tags
import urllib
def url_add_query(context, **kwargs):
""" Updates the current path from existing GET parameters. """
request = context.get('request')
get = request.GET.copy()
return u'{path}?{params}'.format(path=request.path,
params=urllib.urlencode(get, 'utf-8'))
On your HTML template:
{% load app_tags %}
<a href="{% url_add_query page=history_application.previous_page_number %}">«</a>