this is a complex situation I am ain. I have a booking system where rooms are booked.
The thing is that the rates for the rooms aren't stored as a single value but are period based. Like a room can have one daily rate between September to December and adifferent rate from March to August, while have a base rate other wise.
The rates table is like this:
Lets suppose that the rate for a room between 1st March to 31st March is 20 Dollars/day and the rate for the same room from 15th April to 30th May is 30 Dollars, aside that the rate is a flat rate of 15 dollars/day.
If this room is booked by one client between 15th March to 10th May, the total cost would be:
15th March - 31st march charged at 20 Dollars/day = 16x20
1st April - 14th April charged at 15 Dollars/day = 14x15
15th April - 10th May charged at 30 Dollars/day = 25x30
Now how can I compute this value in code, I would need to compute thenumber of days based upon the rate periods if any, else use a base rate for them. Its complex but thats how it is. I'm using php MySQL
this is a possible solution algorithm:
Re (1), in order to find which rate periods intersect with booking period, note that 2 intervals (A,B)
and (C,D)
have an empty intersection iff D < A or C > B
, so you can just negate this condition. Should look something like:
WHERE NOT (booking_end < period_start OR
booking_start > period_end)
Re (2), you just need to find the number of days between max(booking_start, period_start)
and min(booking_end, period_end)
, inclusive. I am sure there are utilities to deal with dates, but in the worst case you can just loop through it.
Sorry, but I am not an SQL/php wizard to write the actual code... :)