I get this error when running a program from www-data
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
But I have added the following to sudo visudo
www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /var/bin/poppler-0.65.0/build/utils/pdfimages
The path /var/bin/poppler-0.65.0/build/utils/pdfimages
is correct.. I have tested it from a terminal.
sudo /var/bin/poppler-0.65.0/build/utils/pdfimages -list data/scan_voucher/17.pdf
As you said that already setting up sudo visudo
correctly, I will first take a look at Tarun Lalwani
links, specially the part about disable requiring tty in your sudoers :
Defaults !requiretty
Try to do the same command but with flag -S actived (sudo -S yourcommand)
The -S (stdin) option causes sudo to read the password from the standard input instead of the terminal device.
If it doesn't work for you, you can try a trick
that seems to work like this one (from here):
echo '' | sudo -S your_command
That will send an empty password to first prompt to enter password.
How are you executing this from PHP? Try with:
@exec("sudo /var/bin/poppler-0.65.0/build/utils/pdfimages -list data/scan_voucher/17.pdf");
Hope that it helps!