I have a situation where an automation process for PowerPoint gets hung up if a password protected .ppt file is passed into it. I've worked out a script to detect when this happens using pywinauto
and hook up to the Password dialog but I can't seem to get it to click the Cancel button.
Here's the control identifiers I see for the Enter Password dialog:
NUIDialog - 'Password' (L649, T422, R999, B553)
['NUIDialog', 'Password', 'PasswordNUIDialog']
child_window(title="Password", class_name="NUIDialog")
| NetUIHWND - '' (L657, T453, R991, B545)
| ['NetUIHWND', 'PasswordNetUIHWND']
| child_window(class_name="NetUIHWND")
| |
| | NetUICtrlNotifySink - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| | ['PasswordNetUICtrlNotifySink', 'NetUICtrlNotifySink']
| | child_window(class_name="NetUICtrlNotifySink")
| | |
| | | RICHEDIT60W - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| | | ['PasswordRICHEDIT60W', 'RICHEDIT60W']
| | | child_window(class_name="RICHEDIT60W")
| |
| | RICHEDIT60W - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| | ['PasswordRICHEDIT60W', 'RICHEDIT60W']
| | child_window(class_name="RICHEDIT60W")
| NetUICtrlNotifySink - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| ['PasswordNetUICtrlNotifySink', 'NetUICtrlNotifySink']
| child_window(class_name="NetUICtrlNotifySink")
| |
| | RICHEDIT60W - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| | ['PasswordRICHEDIT60W', 'RICHEDIT60W']
| | child_window(class_name="RICHEDIT60W")
| RICHEDIT60W - '' (L728, T495, R983, B510)
| ['PasswordRICHEDIT60W', 'RICHEDIT60W']
| child_window(class_name="RICHEDIT60W")
I tried doing a password_dialog.NetUICtrlNotifySink.Click()
but nothing happens. Any ideas?
I would recommend using Application(backend="uia")
for all MS Office products. It should see much more controls.