I'm brand new at programming and am attempting some tutorials I've found to familiarize myself with Psychtoolbox. This script presents 20 trials where either an angry or sad face will appear on the left or right side of the screen (both the emotion and location are random). The user then presses either the 's' or 'a' key to respond. This is running fine, but the issue is writing out the information into a log file. For some reason the program crashes whenever I run the script with the current code. Any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated! Here is my code:
%Clear the screen
clear all;
%Open the on screen window
[window, rect] = Screen('OpenWindow', 0);
%Find the center of the screen
[xCenter, yCenter] = RectCenter(rect);
%Create sad picture textures
sadFaceData = imread('sadface.jpg');
[imageHeight, imageWidth, colorChannels] = size(sadFaceData);
sadFaceTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', window, sadFaceData);
%Create angry face textures
angryFaceData = imread('angryface.jpg');
[imageHeight, imageWidth, colorChannels] = size(angryFaceData);
angryFaceTexture = Screen('MakeTexture', window, angryFaceData);
%Define coordinates of the images
distanceFromCenter = 100;
leftRect = [xCenter-distanceFromCenter-imageWidth, yCenter-imageHeight/2, xCenter-distanceFromCenter, yCenter+imageHeight/2];
rightRect= [xCenter+distanceFromCenter, yCenter-imageHeight/2, xCenter+distanceFromCenter+imageWidth, yCenter+imageHeight/2];
%Set up responses
sad = KbName('s');
angry = KbName('a');
%Get the number of total trials and sad face trials
nTrials = 0;
correct = 0;
totalcorrect = 0;
%Loop for the number of trials
while nTrials < 20
%Random number of 1 or 2
randomFaceNum = randi(2);
randomRectNum = randi(2);
%Loop determining face and location
if randomFaceNum == 1 && randomRectNum == 1
Screen('DrawTexture', window, sadFaceTexture, [], leftRect);
elseif randomFaceNum == 1 && randomRectNum == 2
Screen('DrawTexture', window, sadFaceTexture, [], rightRect);
elseif randomFaceNum == 2 && randomRectNum == 1
Screen('DrawTexture', window, angryFaceTexture, [], leftRect);
Screen('DrawTexture', window, angryFaceTexture, [], rightRect);
[stimOnset] = Screen('Flip', window);
%Wait for the key press
[secs, keyCode] = KbStrokeWait;
responseTime = secs - stimOnset;
%Determine if the response was correct
if randomFaceNum == 1
if response == 's'
correct = 1;
if response == 'a'
correct = 1;
totalcorrect = totalcorrect + correct;
%Set up logfile where data will print to
FID=fopen(fileName, 'a');
fprintf(FID,'%d %d %d %s %.0f %d\n', nTrials, randomFaceNum, randomRectNum,response, responseTime, correct);
nTrials = nTrials + 1;
Screen('Close', window);
The issue with the code you posted is that the following line uses the string variable 'subjectCode' to write the log filename, but this variable hasn't been defined:
You can add for example
subjectCode = '1';
Anywhere before the call to